World languages

Gcse Edexcel French vocabulary list
GCSE Edexcel French for vocabulary list for 2022. All the vocabulary that you will have to learn, create if you are taking your gcse’s this year or are interested in taking for gcse

Hough french unit one vocabulary
Hough french unit one vocabulary full complete list of all the vocabulary for the course

GCSE Edexcel French speaking module one answers
This document contains all the module one questions with answers from the gcse French speaking can be used for some aqa questions as well.

GCSE edxecel French module 4 speaking answers
GCSE edxecel French module 4 speaking answers
Où habites-tu? (Where do you live?)
J’habite dans une grande ville en France. Mon village se trouve près de Marseille et Il y a beaucoup de magasins dans ma ville. Aussi ma ville est moderne. Il y a beaucoup de choses à faire. A mon avis je préfère habiter en ville. Pourtant, ma copine habite à la campagne.
I live in a big town in France. My village is near Marseille et there are lots of shops in my town. Also my town is modern. There are lots of things to do. I prefer to live in town. However, my friend lives in the country side.
Qu’est-ce qu’il y a dans ta région? (What is in your area/region?)
Il y a un grand centre commercial dans ma ville, avec beaucoup de magasins de vêtements, une librairie, des cafés et des restaurants, et tout ça, ça me plait beaucoup. Par contre, il y a trop de circulation dans ma ville et ça, je n’aime pas du tout.
There is a big shopping centre in my town, with lots of clothes shops, a bookshop, some cafés and restaurants, and I like all that a lot. However, there is too much traffic in my town and I don’t like that at all.
Qu’est-ce qu’on peut faire dans ta région? (What can be done in your area/region?)
Dans ma région on peut visiter d’anciennes églises mais aussi de nouvelles constructions très modernes. J’habite tout près de la capitale de mon pays, alors il y a des centaines de choses à faire dans la capitale ! Des musées, des attractions, des visites… on a l’embarras du choix!
In my area you can visit old churches but also new very modern buildings. I live close to the capital of my country so there are hundreds of things to do in the capital. Museums, attractions, visits…we have a lot of choice!

GCSE edxecel French Module 8 speaking answers
GCSE edxecel French Module 8 speaking answers
for gcse french you will be asked a topic related to your presentation and a topic at random here is some answers if you do not know what to say

Edexcel GCSE speaking and writing phrases for My interests and role models in French
Edexcel GCSE speaking and writing phrases for My interests and role models in French

French Edexcel or AQA GCSE Relationships with family and friends and speaking and writing
French Edexcel or AQA GCSE Relationships with family and friends key vocabulary and speaking and writing prompts

French AQA GCSE Relationships with family and friends speaking and writing phrases
French AQA GCSE Relationships with family and friends speaking and writing phrases

GCSE edexcel and AQA French speaking answers for identity and culture
GCSE edexcel and AQA French speaking answers for identity and culture

GCSE AQA french speaking and writing answers - Marriage and partnership
GCSE AQA french speaking and writing answers - Marriage and partnership

2022 advanced information GCSE edexecel french writing prompts for cultural life
this year due to Covid edxecel has released some advanced information for the GCSE writing paper which is the final and last paper of the edxecel French exam one of the topics said to be on it is cultural life here are some writing prompts and statement sentences which you can use. good luck!

French edexcel GCSE Me, my family and friends speaking and writing phrases
French edexcel GCSE Me, my family and friends speaking and writing phrases

Effects of pollution in China! Pre written essay
If you need to write an essay or speech then please download these pre written ones, if you would like a personal written one on a particular topic then please contact me via my Instagram which you should be able to in my bio page.
Thank you for downloading!

Impacts of climate change on Urban areas - Pre written essay
If you need to write an essay or speech then please download these pre written ones, if you would like a personal written one on a particular topic then please contact me via my Instagram which you should be able to in my bio page.
Thank you for downloading!